Virtual Hideout’s Top Tips - Virtual Veterans on our Popular Games!

Virtual reality has so many games on offer, sometimes it can be impossible to choose a favourite! However, in our experience, there are several games that we see groups revisiting time and time again. In light of this, we decided to put together a few handy tips we’ve gathered from our veteran VR team so you can be an instant pro when you take your first venture into the virtual world.
Space Pirate Trainer
Our most popular shooter for beginners; Space Pirate Trainer is easy to pick up, but tricky to master. With so many different playstyles, it can be tough to choose which weapon works best for you. Here are five handy tips to help you get the most out of your game and push yourself to those higher waves!
Use that shield - The shield is your best defense against your adversaries. Use it when you feel yourself being overwhelmed by enemy firepower and don’t forget that you can switch between your shield and a second gun whenever you choose!
Listen for the alarm - If you hear an alarm ringing, that means a laser is about to hit you directly! Keep on your toes and move yourself out of the way before it takes one of your precious lives!
Experiment with different weapons - Each weapon has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, for example the charge laser excels at big, deadly enemies whereas the grenade launcher can decimate large groups and gain you those juicy combo points.
Move, move and move!! - Shooting games in VR can be a little overwhelming at first and you might be focused on the visuals and enemies in front of you, don’t forget you can move around to your heart’s content! Move, duck, dash and weave your way around the room!
Look around as much as you can! - Don’t know where you got hit from? It was probably above you or just out of eyesight to your left and right. Those space droids will try and fly out of sight quite often and drop a cheeky shot on you. Keep those eyes peeled and don’t let them get the better of you ;)
Beat Saber
This game is the truest embodiment of easy to learn, tricky to master, but stick with it and keep these handy tips in mind and you’ll be blasting out Expert songs before you know it!
Take it niceeee and steady! A big mistake first time players often make is trying to hit the cube as soon as they see it. You have plenty of time :) So relax, take it nice and steady and wait for it to get close and within arms reach!
Arrows, arrows and arrows! Surprisingly people still forget about the directional arrows that you have to hit, keep your eyes peeled and look out for which direction you are going to slice the cube. This is easier said than done ;)
Too hard? Don’t worry! There is a variety of difficulties so don’t worry if you don’t get the hang of it from the get go! Really really struggling?? We can turn those pesky arrows off so you just have to focus on matching the colours!
Want a challenge but no consequences? We can turn the “no fail” mode on so you can try those tricky songs without failing it, this is a must for those graduating to harder difficulties without the frustration of failing!
Avoiding walls! Players down here usually approach this one of two ways, either taking a full step to the left or right; or tilting your head to the side. For full immersion taking a bit step is always fun, but if mobility is an issue tilting your head is more than enough to dodge these walls :)
Superhot is incredibly unique and can be a tough one to adjust to. Mind over matter is the essence of this game. It’s essential to temper your reactions and instincts. These tips will help you master yourself. Read through these handy hints, and I will show you how deep the rabbit hole goes...
Fast isn’t necessarily good - You want to play this game almost in slow motion and then fast at the right moments! Remember, if you are moving fast, so is your enemy and they will have the upper hand!!
Strategy strategy strategy! - Although this is a shooting and fighting game, many people forget it is a strategy game in disguise! Take your time, plan your attack and execute with precision!!
It’s all in the wrist! - When you are throwing items at enemies the best way to do this is to have a nice controlled throw, a flick of the wrist. This is waaaaaay more accurate than a fast overhand throw and you’ll expend less energy doing the same job. Also remember, anything that is shaded you can throw, and this includes your weapons!
Duck and cover!! - Your environment is your best friend in Superhot, so use it as much as you can! Hide behind objects and use them to your advantage. Your enemies have to come to you, so why not hide behind a table, wait for them to come up to you… and…. WHAM - level complete!
Keep your eye on the prize - Which enemies have weapons? Which don’t? What order will they reach you? Where can you hide? What weapons do you have? Repeat these mantras and you will succeed in all things Superhot!!!